The next run after 18 miles and a recovery day was really difficult. I did not realize just how sore my legs were until I started running. Specifically, my left outer back leg above the knee. It started to feel better during the run, but has remained with me and it is still sore to walk on. Additionally the arch of my left foot continues to feel not right. It's not in pain, but it just feels abnormal. On a happy note, my toenails have remained pretty unaffected by the running which is an improvement from before when two of my toenails were ready to fall off... (excited they have improved enough to go get a french-tip pedicure after the race!) I have implemented some foam roller routines to try and help relieve the soreness and I found this page to be really helpful:
So enough complaining for one post! On a different note, I am now in the tapering portion of my training which is awesome because it means less miles, and less intensity in order to allow my legs some recovery time before the marathon. I was scheduled for 20 miles this past Sunday, but after reading several articles, I came to the conclusion that the last long run should really be 3-4 weeks prior to the marathon. This information combined with the fact that my left leg was still really sore on Sunday led me to the decision to do a 10 mile run instead. I figure it is better to be safe than sorry and injure myself when I'm so close to race day. The following are links to the articles I read on tapering and preparing for race day that I found to be pretty helpful.
These next 11 days will be really important to my training, I will want to do enough to stay ready, but not too much to be too worn out for the marathon. Additionally I will need to really dial in my nutrition and calorie intake, to make sure I am fueling my body with the right nutrients that my body will need to sustain me for the 26.2 miles. I will continue to do some more research on the best foods for me to be eating during my last week of training and come back to share my findings. I'm really starting to get butterflies as I type "last week of training"! LastlyI want to share the video of the course I will be running, it's a pretty cool fast moving view and really gave me some better insight into just how long 26.2 miles is! It's fun to watch. I'll be back soon to share my finals thoughts before I set out next Sunday morning to conquer my first marathon!
This is so fun to read. I can't believe it's almost over. the picture of the lady foam rolling her hip/IT bands - I cannot do that. Just looking at that picture makes me uncomfortable as I have had sore IT bands since my speedskating days. Good luck with the rest of your training!