Tuesday, February 18, 2014

One of those days...

Like everything else in life, there are good days and bad days, and running is no different.  For me, today was that day where running was hard.  It was a 4 mile easy run, but it was anything but easy.  I couldn't get my shoes right, no matter how many times i stopped to adjust them, they were either too tight or too loose, there was no in-between. I decided I didn't need to bring any water, but quickly regretted that decision.  Overall, I just felt worn out.  When I have bad running days, I try and think about why it may not have gone so well so that I can learn from it, and minimize my bad days.  Thinking about this run there are several things I could have done differently:

  1. I ate a late lunch yesterday, but skipped over dinner, eating some chips and salsa before bed--my lesson: make sure to eat a well balanced dinner late enough in the evening to help fuel a morning run; no skipping meals.
  2. I drank a grande caramel macchiatto before my run--my lesson: I do fine with a little cup of home brewed coffee before a run, but a grande drink full of several different ingredients is probably not the best idea for a run; save it for afterwards.
  3. I remember being thirsty last night but couldn't find my water bottle and was too lazy to go look for it so I didn't drink water when my body was telling me to--my lesson: drink plenty of water, especially when you feel thirsty, your body is good at letting you know what it needs; don't be lazy.
  4. Lastly, I usually don't bring water with me if I am not running at least 5 miles.  I thought about it today, but then decided not to and within my first mile I wished I had--my lesson: you'll never regret bringing some water with you, so when in doubt opt for the water.
I have learned the hard way how important it is to stay hydrated, but I still do not hydrate as much as I should.  Many times I don't want to put on my water belt if it's not a long run, but it has been really warm here lately, so that plan is not always the wisest.  Yesterday I got a little hand held water bottle for when I am not going far.  I think its always a good idea to have water just in case, especially in the heat. 

An important lesson that I am learning through my training is that it is really important not to get discouraged by a bad day.  It's hard when you feel like you can't even make it two miles, but yet you're training for a marathon, and you start to doubt yourself and your abilities.  Even pros have off days, it is completely normal.  The great thing is, everyday is a fresh start, so don't give up!

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